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Todo list

Let's continue with a simple example but a bit more complicated with more business logic, still with tests: the classic todo list

What You'll Learn
  • How to modify the code without modifying the tests
  • Write a logic without needing to open the browser
  • Setup Jest with Typescript on your project

Edit todo


First we have to think about our first feature, the simplest: list the todos. A todo is made of a text.

Let's create the TodoService and bind it to the services.

import { Service } from '../../utils/service';

type Todo = { title: string }[];

type State = Todo[];

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
static initialState: State = [];
import { TodoService } from './todo/todo.service';

export const services = {
todo: TodoService,

A todo is an array of objects containing only strings. We can write the get method to encapsulate the data, so if it changes then, we don't need to modify the tests.

import { Service } from '../../utils/service';

type Todo = { title: string };

type State = Todo[]

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
static initialState: State = [];

get(): Todo[] {
return this.state.get();

Setup the test file

We can now create a test file and set it up so the core and the service will be re-instantiated before each test

import { Core } from '../../_core';
import { TodoService } from './todo.service';

describe('todo service', () => {
let core: InstanceType<typeof Core>;
let service: InstanceType<typeof TodoService>;

beforeEach(() => {
core = new Core();
service = core.getService('todo');

The add method

Since we am using Typescript, the test will display that the method doesn't exist even before launching the test. That is why I prefer to write the empty methods before to write the tests.

type Todo = { title: string };

type State = Todo[]

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
static initialState: State = [];

get(): Todo[] {
return this.state.get();

add() {}

Let's write the test now

import { Core } from '../../_core';
import { TodoService } from './todo.service';

describe('todo service', () => {
let core: InstanceType<typeof Core>;
let service: InstanceType<typeof TodoService>;

beforeEach(() => {
core = new Core();
service = core.getService('todo');

describe('add', () => {
it('adds a todo to the todoList', () => {


we call the service method add with service.add('eat') first, and expect that the the todo array contains one element and that its title is the same we added: 'eat'

The test fails for the moment because the method add is empty, so let's code it:

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
add(title: string) {
this.state.set((state) => [...state, { title }]);

The remove method

Let's do the same as the add method, we write the empty method, code the test and then go back to write the method

This time, we figure out that we will need something to identify a todo in order to remove it, we can use uuid to provide unique ids to our toddos

import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';

type Todo = { title: string, id: string };

type State = Todo[]

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
static initialState: State = [];

get(): Todo[] {
return this.state.get();

add(title: string) {
this.state.set((state) => [...state, { title, id: uuid }]);

remove(id: string) {}

We add 2 todos: eat and go to ski, after removing the todo eat, it should only remain the todo go to ski


describe('remove', () => {
it('removes a todo to the todoList', () => {
service.add('go to ski');
const idToRemove = service.get().find((todo) => todo.title === 'eat')!.id;

expect(service.get()[0].title).toBe('go to ski');


Time to write the method remove

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
remove(id: string) {
this.state.set((state) => state.filter((todo) => !== id));

We can do the same for the methods modify and toggleDone, so the user can modify a task name and check or uncheck a task as done

Bind to the UI

Now we have a proper place to write our logic and it is already tested, we just need to bind this logic to the UI.

Since we already have a getter in the service, we just have to pass it to useAppSelector:

export const TodoWrapper = () => {
const { get } = useService('todo');
const todos = useAppSelector(get);

return (
<div className="TodoWrapper">
<h1>Get Things Done !</h1>
<TodoForm />
{ => (todo.isEditing ? <EditTodoForm todo={todo} /> : <Todo key={} todo={todo} />))}

Here we destructure the service todo to obtain the method get that we pass to the useAppSelector, so each time, the todo changes, it updates the UI

We do the same for each method of the todo


We can then figure out that using an array is far to be the best option for the todo, there is a unique id identifying each todo, maybe it could be better to use an object instead of an array. It will simplify the code and increase performances.

Since the tests are about the todo behavior and not the implementation, we should not have to change the tests :)

export type Todo = { title: string; id: string; isEditing: boolean; isDone: boolean };

type State = Todo[];

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
static initialState: State = [];

add(title: string) {
this.state.set((state) => [...state, { title, id: uuid(), isEditing: false, isDone: false }]);

remove(id: string) {
this.state.set((state) => state.filter((todo) => !== id));

modify(id: string, title: string) {
const todoIndex = this.state.peek().findIndex((todo) => === id);
this.state[todoIndex].set((state) => ({ ...state, title }));

toggleDone(id: string) {
const todoIndex = this.state.peek().findIndex((todo) => === id);
this.state[todoIndex].set((state) => ({ ...state, isDone: !state.isDone }));

edit(id: string) {
const todoIndex = this.state.peek().findIndex((todo) => === id);
this.state[todoIndex].set((state) => ({ ...state, isEditing: true }));

get(): Todo[] {
return this.state.get();


export type Todo = { title: string; isEditing: boolean; isDone: boolean; id: string };

type State = Record<string, Omit<Todo, 'id'>>;

export class TodoService extends Service<State> {
static initialState: State = {};

add(title: string) {
this.state[uuid()].set({ title, isEditing: false, isDone: false });

remove(id: string) {

modify(id: string, title: string) {

toggleDone(id: string) {
this.state[id].isDone.set((isDone) => !isDone);

edit(id: string) {

get(): Todo[] {
const state = this.state.get();
return Object.keys(state).map((id) => ({ id, ...state[id] }));